The institute forms Students’ Council every year regularly as per the directives of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. It gives the premier importance to the representation of the students on academic, administrative bodies and the various committees. The student representation helps to get regular suggestions and feedbacks through proper mechanism. These suggestions and feedbacks play vital role in improving quality of academic, administrative and support services. Members of Student’s Council are given representation on various academic and administrative committees considering their interest by arranging a common meeting. Thus, their proactive participation in annual committees ensures the contribution of students towards institute.
1. To look after the welfare of the students
2. To promote and coordinate the extra-curricular activities of different student's associations for better corporate life.
3. To involve in academic and administrative activities
7. To develop the leadership in college students.
4. To contribute to the holistic development of the institute
5. Decision making
6. Develop leadership qualities.
8. To develop a social consciousness.
9. To develop and prepare for the challenging tasks of nation building and social changes that lie ahead.
10. Students’ Council formed under the section 40(2)a, 40(2)b and 40(4)a for every year.